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Post Code: 200940
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Add:Rm2003-2004,Building10th,BaoLink-Center,Lane 803 of Shuangcheng Rd , Shanghai , China
Post Code: 200940

View DGSS Case Study

    Congratulations to DAITTO GLOBAL SOURCING SERVICE CO.,LTD for its official approval to become a member of the “Belt and Road” Silk Road Enterprise Development Alliance ,this New motivation will bring us more power in worldwide business !

    DAITTO GLOBAL SOURCING SERVICE COMPANY (DGSS), a corporation based in Shanghai ,Hongkong. Our team of seasoned consultants is complemented by a network of international partners that provide valuable in-market expertise. We serve clients around the world in a wide array of outsourcing Industries & Investment, including: ITO, BPO, and KPO. Our trade/investment attraction practice leverages our proprietary lead generation methodology and has consistently delivered measurable FDI results to cities, states/provinces & national trade/investment agencies across the one belt one road countries .(Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Spain, etc.)
    The network of international representative offices of the Belt and Road countries’ Investment and Trade Agency is crystallizing now, to form a key element of the new model of internationalization of Belt and Road business, and to provide one of the pillars of the Responsible Development Strategy,  So Our DGSS Seize the opportunity .  The target group of the project are Belt and Road small and medium-sized companies which plan to or have already been pursuing foreign expansion and finding investors. The event will focus on the following core issues:

    information about the market and priority industries

    establishing business relations

    identifying potential partners

    Supplying Chain Service

    available support instruments and Consulting

    Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC) is a transnational business confederation mainly composed of national chambers of commerce of the Belt and Road countries.  Hope we can bring much one belt and road countries’ business and projects to share common .
     Best regards,

“Our competitive culture and vested interest to succeed represents an unparalleled motivation to make our partners' clients a success – we know if they succeed, we succeed.”