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According Data Center statistics, in 05 2014, China Connector products exports totaled 25934 kg, of which exports from
China 2014 products to suppliers around the world 6 months, purchasing 2014 products from Chinese buyers have 12.

1、Exporting Destinations of Connector Product

Exporting Destinations List of Connector Product (TOP 5):


Place of Origin Weights(kg) Market Shares
中国 1670 6.4%
中国香港 1752 6.8%
丹麦 399 1.5%
保加利亚 733 2.8%
加拿大 5 0.0%
Other 21375 82.5%
Total 25934 100%


A chart as well as brief analysis can be obtained from above data as follows:

1.1 As per Weights, Top 5 exporting markets as below:


Weights (KG)Buyer statistics of China Exporting Connector in 05 201405-2014Weights中国中国香港丹麦保加利亚加拿大


Connector product is mainly exported to 中国,中国香港 and 丹麦 followed, while 保加利亚 and 加拿大 have less import volume.

1.2 As per Market Shares, Top 5 exporting data as below:


Buyer statistics of China Exporting Connector in 05 2014中国: 6.4 %中国香港: 6.8 %丹麦: 1.5 %保加利亚: 2.8 %加拿大: 0.0 %Other: 82.5


中国,中国香港,丹麦,保加利亚,加拿大, are 5 main destinations of Connector product with a domain position accounting for a proportion of 17.5% of the market shares.

2、Places of Origin of Exporting Connector Product

Places of Origin of Exporting Connector Product (Top 5):


Places of Origin Weights(kg) Market Shares
深圳特区 11124 42.9%
内蒙古呼和浩特出口加 9152 35.3%
上海漕河泾新技术开发 3121 12.0%
石家庄其他 1700 6.6%
杭州其他 832 3.2%
Other 5 1.4210854715202E-14%
Total 25934 100%


2.1 As per Weights, TOP 5 Places of Origin as follow:


Weights(KG)Places of Origin statistics of China Exporting Connector in 05 201405-2014Weights深圳特区内蒙古呼和浩特…上海漕河泾新技…石家庄其他杭州其他


The largest exporting area is 深圳特区 of total volume 11124 kg; followed by 内蒙古呼和浩特出口加 area of 9152 kg.

2.2 As per Market Shares, TOP 5 Places of Origin as follow:


Places of Origin statistics of China Exporting Connector in 05 2014深圳特区: 42.9 %内蒙古呼和浩特出口加: 35.3 %上海漕河泾新技术开发: 12.0 %石家庄其他: 6.6 %杭州其他: 3.2 %Other: 0.0 %深圳特区Percent:


 5 main places of origin of Chinese exporting Connector product, accounting for a proportion of 100% of the total market shares.

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